Tornado on Friday afternoon- major damage in area.
On Sunday night a major wind storm caused extreme property damage over a large area of North Alabama. It has been explained as a 'gravity wave' wind......
And neither of these photos does justice to the true amount of damage!
I read the article and watched the video of the "gravity wave". How creepy yet totally cool! Leave it to you Ann to have experienced something so RARE!
These storms seem to be getting worse with each passing year. It really frightens me. This morning, within a minute after dropping my daughter off at school, I heard that horrific weather alert warning beep on the radio. We were under a Tornado Warning. A tornado had just been spotted not far from where I was driving. Three things crossed my mind. One, I wanted to go back to the school and get my baby girl to keep her safe. Two, I didn't want to be driving, I wanted to be home (or in a ditch). Three, My son was home asleep and I prayed that he'd be safe until I got home to awaken him (just in case the worst happened). Fortunately, no one down here was harmed in today's storms. Just a lot of debris everywhere, a few homes without roofs, and many billboards that went POOF!
Ann, it seems that y'all have gotten WAY more than your fair share of these nasty storms. Please continue to stay safe and know that you're in my prayers. When I see the news up in your area, I'm always tempted to call.. just to check and make sure everyone is okay, but I resist the urge. I figure y'all have enough to worry about without someone taking up your limited amount of prepare for the storm time on the phone.
From the pictures I can tell it's not been good at all up there, I'm just happy no one was hurt (at least that I know of).
*big hugs* Angie
Oh, and in that first picture, did you happen to notice that odd tree growing in the wrong direction? LOL .. I know, not funny!! I'm sorry!!!!!!
Angie... Thanks for all your concerns. Luckily there were NO fatalities and very few only minor injuries!!!!! Sounds like you have been experiencing about the same things there! Stay safe.....
Did I mention that I was at the cabin by myself, asleep when the Wind Storm hit. It apparently started around 1:30 and lasted until 4:00 am. I slept through most of it... lol.... Georgia called and woke me up aroun 2-something.. they were in their basement. I got up and look out and said.. Yep it's raining and the winds blowing.... and went back to sleep! lol--- heck the power was out and there was no one to talk to.,.. :-)
Of course I had NO Idea how REALLY Bad it was.
The schools are still closed but they hope to open them back on Thursday. They were waiting on one more school to get power back.
LOL @ you sleeping right through it!! You go girl!!
What we're getting down here is NOTHING compared to what y'all are getting! Ours are BABY storms! Heck, I don't even think anyone lost power (well, maybe those without roofs lost it, but that's about it). You know it's really bad when they close the schools! I pray y'all are done with these storms for now. I'm thinkin' everyone up there could use a BREAK!
Ann you guys got a double whammy with the storms. Glad that everyone is okay and that you didn't suffer any damage. I sure feel for all those that did.
I sure do feel for them too Jim!! We've all seen and experienced distruction.. it's awfully rough!
Ann, I'm glad everyone is okay. We are expecting more of them this year too. Be Safe!
Good Lord. When it rains it some kind of pours up your way, Ann. So glad noone was seriously hurt.
Perhaps I'd be safer just staying here in Florida and facing the Hurricanes!
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